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More Than Ever You Need to Know What’s Driving the Fake Money Bubble and How to Benefit and Protect Yourself Before It Pops
Don’t Be Fooled
The so-called “recovery” is as phony as all the Fake Money being massively printed by the Federal Reserve. It’s creating Real Danger that the ever-increasing stock market bubble is getting closer each day to the coming pop and its Aftershock. But, until the stock bubble pops, there is lots of money to be made.
Don’t Wait
As we warned you in our last book, Aftershock, only those who move quickly and correctly will find profits AND protection in the days ahead. Now, in our latest book, Fake Money Real Danger, (written by the Bull Bear team of Dr. David Wiedemer, Robert Wiedemer and Cindy Spitzer) we expose how the current pandemic has put us on a faster track to the Aftershock.
We also show you how to position yourself for the best performance in the rising stock bubble and housing bubble. Plus, we give you our latest thoughts on when and how the financial bubble will burst to help you preserve your bubble profits before they go to Money Heaven.
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To benefit as many people as possible during this increasingly dangerous time, we’ve decided to make ALL our newsletters, articles, alerts, podcasts, and audio forums entirely FREE. Click here for your no cost consultation call.
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