How Many Years Before Significant Inflation Kicks In?
If there was never any negative consequences of massive money printing, there would never be a reason to call it off. If so, all of humanities challenges would be solved, or at least lessened, with economies all around the world endlessly printing all the money anyone could need.
Unfortunately, that fairytale has a fatal flaw: massive money printing (beyond what is needed to keep up with real economic growth) is Fake Money and it comes with a big negative consequence: Rising inflation.
By definition, when inflation rises, prices go up and the spending power of the dollar goes down. That’s a problem for all of us. Inflation also has another big negative consequence: Rising interest rates, which will ultimately kill our falling asset bubbles.
How long will it take before the massive money printing that we have already done begins to cause significant inflation?
As the economy heats up and the Fed prints even more money, how many more years do you think it will take before businesses feel enough pressure to raise their prices, kicking off rising inflation? Our guess is 4 more years before significant inflation of over 5% starts. What’s your guess?